New Mexico OSHA Safety Training

New Mexico OSHA Safety Training Is availabile for online or on-site consumptionOSHA Safety Training programs for New Mexico workers are now available online through your computer or on-site with your colleagues. Both the OSHA 10 Hour Construction and OSHA 10 Hour General Industry courses lead to your OSHA Wallet Card and proof of your essential knowledge in basic safety practices as dictated by best practice.  Our courses Are Nationally accepted in all 50 states, including New Mexico, so that you can be assured you are receiving the very best in OSHA Outreach Training.  We also provide other OSHA Training online and on-site such as Hazwoper Training, Electrical Safety, Fall Protection, Confined Space Entry and even Miner safety. All of our professional instructors are OSHA-Authorized and will assure you the highest quality training experience, backed by four decades of experience. For those that need to get their Wallet Cards fast, you may complete your 10 hour course in only two days and print your Certificate of Completeion. This document is proof of your achievement and may be used at most job sites (check with your employer or contraction). Your Official Department of Labor OSHA Wallet Card will be delivered within a few short weeks after your successful completion of the course.


New Mexico OSHA Safety Training 10 Hour Construction Outreach Course OnlineNew Mexico OSHA Safety Training 10 Hour General Industry Online Outreach Courseonsite-training-btn




OSHA Safety Training For All New Mexico Industries Statewide

New Mexico was admitted to the union in January of 1912 as the 47th state. It’s indigenous people inhabited the land for several years until Spain and later Mexico occupied the territory. The area was later ceded to the United States in 1848 following the Mexican-American war. From an industrial standpoint, Oil and gas exploration and production is a significant part of the overall economy. However, the largest driver of the state’s economy is Federal Spending. Back in 2005, the federal government spent $2.03 on New Mexico for every dollar of tax revenue collected from the state. This rate of return is higher than any other state in the Union. New Mexico has three U.S. airbases (Kirtland AFB, Holloman AFB and Cannon AFB) along with White Sands Missile Testing Range. The Army operates a proving ground and maneuver range at Fort Bliss-McGregor Range. Finally New Mexico is home to two National Laboratories, Los Alamos and Sandia.

In 1984 OSHA certified New Mexico’s state plan for heath and safety management. The New Mexico Occupational Health and Safety Bureau (OHSB) is a part of the New Mexico Environment Department, headed by the Secretary. The main office is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. You can view the OSHA State Plan for New Mexico here. New Mexico OSHA Safety Training programs revolve around the state directives set forth by the OHSB. which in turn are consistent with Federal OSHA standards for practice and for training. OHSB adopted all OSHA standards that would relate to state and local government and private sector employer operations. They incorporates the Federal standards by reference. Therefore, the state and federal standards are identical. New Mexico OHSB has adopted the following unique standards:

  • State and Local Government Firefighting
  • Convenience Stores
  • Field Sanitation
  • Short-Handled Hoes

State workers are governed by New Mexico safety laws for education and training purposes. Our OSHA Outreach Training programs for Construction and General Industry are designed to comply with all OSHA criteria and are accepted in all 50 states, including New Mexico.

Online or On-site OSHA Safety Training Available in New Mexico

OSHA Safety Training Programs for New Mexico workers center around OSHA’s key major targets for safety prevention and mitigation. New Mexico is a state plan state and as such shares responsibility with federal OSHA offices for compliance. he plan has received federal approval. The state act covers both private sector (businesses and nonprofit organizations) and public sector (state and municipal governments, schools, commissions, etc.) employers and its standards are substantially identical to those of the federal OSH Act. New Mexico’s Act is administered by the New Mexico Environmental Department/Occupational Health and Safety Bureau (OHSB). OHSB’s Consultation and Technical Services provides free safety and health program assistance to employers, especially those in smaller businesses (under 250 employees per facility and 500 worldwide). The OHSB staff can help companies identify workplace safety and health hazards. They also will advise you on how to reduce or eliminate those safety hazards, and assess safety and health programs.

Workers in the construction industry are encouraged to obtain training similar to the OSHA 10 Hour Construction Outreach Training Course as a prerequisite for working at a job site. For all other industries, the OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Outreach Training Course is provided for online use. These courses provide the essential safety training suggested by OHSB, and all course are Nationally-Accepted. Those desiring a quick turnaround that take and complete their course within two (2) days and immediately receive a Certificate of Completion that serves as a proof of your subject matter mastery. This certificate, is accepted by most companies for job site entry. The Official Department of Labor OSHA Wallet Card will follow in the mail within 4-6 weeks.  Construction supervisors and managers that are required or encouraged to get advanced level safety training, will want to take the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Outreach Training Course online which can be completed within four (4) days.

On-site training provides a unique benefit of learning with co-workers. Our seasoned professionals will come to your site and present one or both of the courses for all workers. Another benefit, is that you get the added benefit of group activities and custom, company content in the course.  We offer substantial group rate discounts  to on-site courses taught by our OSHA-Authorized Instructors.


Enroll in the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Outreach Training Online Course


New Mexico OSHA Safety Training On-site now available with group discounts.
Advanced Online is an OSHA Authorized Online Outreach Training Provider fo OSHA Outreach CoursesOur Outreach Training Courses are provided by AdvanceOnline Solutions, Inc.
An OSHA-Authorized Online Outreach Training Provider
Customer Support: 1-866.427.2467 (
All Outreach Courses result in their respective DOL OSHA Completion Card